ROC Post
Buckminster Post just after stand-down, 1992
The post after stand-down with trees being planted on the site
Inside the post in 2001, rather flooded!
Top of the post at take-over by LCWG, August 2012
Internal pictures at take-over
Neil Jaggard clearing the jungle!
Cleared ready for the next stage...
After some painting...
After a lot more painting!
Let there be light!
Some items ready to go...
Pathway going in...
A nice soft bed (?)
A serious observer doing serious work
Gateway cleared, rubbish to be removed!
Please note: the top three pictures have been taken from the Subbritanica website.
The first was taken by Chales Parker and the following two by Nick Catford
The pictures below document some of the restoration work carried out on the Buckminster Post.
Work is being carried out constantly at the moment and so this page is always being updated.
Please check back soon for more pictures!
Gateway cleared and path completed ready of gravel
General view showing part of the new worktop and batteries
Notice boards now up on the left hand wall
Original batteries
New cupboard doors
BT boxes back on the wall
View of the Post from the door
The almost completed post! Still painting to do and more artefacts to source!
Final painting to the hatch
Five trees have been removed from the site to prevent damage to the structure